Natural Yeast Infection Remedies That Actually Work!

We are going to give you some natural yeast infection remedies that will help you solve your problem and get to the bottom of your situation starting today! We are going to give you some natural remedies that have already helped out tons of people and will probably help you out as well!

Avoid Beer
This is actually a remedy that works because of it’s effectiveness. It’s more like an “anti-remedy” but it will help you out in the end! The reason for this is because beer is one of those things that can make your yeast infection even worse.

You see in order for the yeast infection not only to survive, but rather thrive as well, it’s going to need a nice little environment. We’re talking an environment that is a dark, moist, and warm area, one of these areas is in the genitalia for both genders!

Another thing that it needs is something to feed on, which includes carbohydrates, starch, sugars, and yeast. Well, the thing is, this pretty much sums up most beers. So this is something that should be avoided, otherwise you can see your yeast infection multiply to pretty unbearable numbers, which causes the itching, scratching, and infection – something that is very tough to deal with!

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is absolutely key because it has the anti-fungal properties needed in order to combat the yeast infection. It is great because it is also a very versatile remedy as well. Meaning that you can apply the remedy directly to the vagina or you can take it through the mouth as well!

This is something that is absolutely key, and many people have already seen it as highly successful! You just want to make sure that you do not have any allergic reactions to coconuts, this is a very common problem!

Plain Yogurt
Plain yogurt has an active ingredient of L. Acidophilus, which can combat the Candida that is currently in the body, this is something that should be considered. You also want to make sure that you are using a plain yogurt that will not harm the body. Yogurt that is actually harmful is the one that has the sugar, the flavors, and all that great stuff.

You just want to make sure you get PLAIN yogurt, otherwise you can see your situation actually getting worse!

Source by Daniel Curry

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