SaleHoo Dropshipping Strategy – Backup Wholesale Suppliers Ensure Better Dropshipping Service

Dropshipping is one of the most popular ways of selling all sorts of products on the internet these days. A lot of people who are eager to make money online but do not have much cash to invest are making use of this innovative way of doing business. Most of those selling on eBay and other auction sites use wholesale dropshippers to provide the products that they sell. While this method is convenient for sellers, it is not entirely without risk especially when it comes to the availability of the item being sold.

When you sell products online, you have to be able to depend on your wholesale supplier. Even if you buy wholesale products in bulk, you must be able to count on your supplier to deliver the goods on time.

Availability of products becomes even more critical in a dropshipping business. Because the merchandise is with the dropshipper, you may not know if the products you are selling are still available. You may end up selling products that are out of stock. It would be a nightmare having to refund the money to your customers just because your drop shipper cannot provide the products. You will end up with angry customers and a lot of negative feedback. This is very bad for business.

This is the reason why having a backup drop shipper is very important. If your first wholesale dropshipper runs out of stock, you can still get your orders filled by another drop shipper. This may not be a problem if you actually have the products with you, but when you use a drop shipper there is always the possibility of running out of stock.

Some sellers try to avoid this problem by ordering fast-selling items themselves and keeping them handy for times when they have orders and the drop shipper cannot fill the orders. When this happens, they can fill the orders themselves using the products they have on hand.

Whether you buy your products in bulk or dropship them, it is always a good idea to have a backup supplier. They are not difficult to find on SaleHoo’s wholesale directory. It will save you a lot of headache, stress and ill will from your customers. Quality products and low prices must go with good customer service for total customer satisfaction. If you have a backup supplier, you will increase your chances of having a lot of satisfied customers. This is why many eBay sellers rely on SaleHoo for wholesale dropshippers that they can count on.

Source by Michelle Samual Williams

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