How to Use Audio Recordings to Power Up Your Business and Prospects

Before the Internet, I was working in the trenches learning the secrets of effective selling.

I’ve learned a few things over the years and now I’m going to share with you my top secrets on how to create more customers without advertising.

Using Audio Recordings to promote and find prospects will help you gain more clients.

And here’s two more ways you can use your audio infomercial to power up your business…

# 1 You Can Deliver Your Audio On The Internet…

You can provide your audio infomercial as an online mp3 download. Then you can send an email to your clients suggesting they send their friends to listen to your free audio infomercial.

This kind of “viral” marketing can be very effective. You can also add your audio to your website so your visitors can hear your voice.

# 2…You Can Use Your Audio Infomercial To Reactivate Past Clients…

This is simple…You just send your audio infomercial to your past, inactive clients and prospects. You can send a CD by mail or invite your prospects to hear your recording by sending an e-mail. This costs you nothing but the time it takes for you to hit the send button on your computer mouse.

No envelopes to stuff, no stamps to lick and virtually no cost to host and deliver your gift. You can even call your clients by phone using an online automated voice broadcasting service like Your audio will work harder for you without complaining, asking for raises, or calling in sick.

It does all the selling for you.

You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how many of your past clients and friends start doing business with you again. You’ll see prospects you could never sell in the past start doing business with you for the first time.

Let Audio Recordings become a Selling Machine for you and see more clients come your way.

Source by Michael Senoff

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