Easy Snore Remedies

If you have a problem with snoring or a partner who has you driven demented, then snore remedies is what you need. You can`t put up with this snoring problem for the rest of your life, but there is a solution to this problem. That solution lies here within this article, the solution is snore remedies. If you want to send that sound, that resembles, a freight train, to the station then why not try some of these top highly recommended snore remedies.

Snore Remedies List 1 – 5

1. Honey mixing honey with water or simply consuming it on a spoon before you go to bed is a great way  to stop snoring (this is what Granny would say)

2. Salt having salt mixed with water and gargling it before going to bed, can be good for some people, it can help improve someones snoring.

3. Vapour Rub rubbed on your chest can also help stop snoring. Snoring is caused by many different factors, congestion being one of them. Vapour rub can clear congested chests, resulting in the elimination of snoring.

4. Pepper believe it or not but pepper is a fantastic way to stop snoring. We all know pepper makes you sneeze but pepper mixed with water can also help soothe your throat upon consuming it. This will result in letting the air, flow more freely.

5. Nasal Spray this is a nose spray that you inhale, a lot of the time snoring is caused from just sinus problems. A build up of mucus in the nasal airways is a common trigger to snoring this spray will clear any congestion in your sinuses  

Source by John Ivory

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