Drop Ship Wholesale Products Straight to Customers

Have you ever thought about joining the ranks of people making money on eBay? Or have you always thought that you could do well running your own eCommerce website? These are two business options within the reach of many would-be online sellers. Unfortunately, there are some obstacles which can get in their way and impede their success. Fortunately, there is an option that lets you get around them.

The ability to drop ship wholesale products is the key to professionally maintaining an online retail presence and finding long term success. But let’s step back and take a look at drop shipping in general as an option for online sellers.

Drop shipping separates itself from more traditional supply chain management in a number of ways. When you drop ship wholesale products to your customers you will be starting a business that, with careful maintenance, can help you succeed online.

As the seller, all you need to do to drop ship wholesale items to your customers is to either create an eCommerce website or a seller’s account on an online auction. Next, once you have discovered who will drop ship wholesale products, you simply have to choose which of their products you wish to offer.

The product decision should not be taken lightly. The market is always shifting, and your choices need to reflect these trends. Drop shipping can’t help you if no one is interested in that product in the first place.

It is also important to note at this point the differences in wholesale costs of different items. Some products have a greater mark up than others, and when you sell items online, even if you drop ship wholesale products, you need to make sure that the profit is enough to make the endeavor worthwhile.

The seller, once the products have been properly researched and chosen, then lists the items on the website or the online auction. The seller can, of course, promote the item in any way they feel appropriate. Often the supplier will even help these efforts by giving the seller access to pictures, text descriptions, and other promotional materials.

The next step for the seller is the enjoyable one. You collect the money from the customer.

The avid reader may have noticed the step that is part of traditional supply chain management but is the one we skipped when we drop ship wholesale products. At no point did the seller purchase any upfront inventory. The seller simply collects the payment and then transfers the order and the wholesale cost to the wholesale supplier. The supplier then takes care of the fulfillment and ships the product straight to the customer.

This is where we can really see the benefits of drop shipping. An online seller does not have to purchase, store, or handle any of the products on their own. This means that almost anyone can get involved with the business because the entry point cost is so low. They can also minimize a number of other risks because they never have to worry about getting stuck with storage rooms full of items that are suddenly unpopular or outdated.

Another benefit is the sudden infusion of time. When you don’t have to waste all of yours packaging items and standing around in endless post office lines, you’ll find yourself with a lot more of it. And, as we’ve discussed before, with such a quickly changing market (no matter what industry you’re in) you need to do your research . And to do research you need time. You’ll be able to create this time when you drop ship wholesale items.

Drop shipping affords the average seller a range of benefits, but it will, of course, still require work on your part. But when you do it right you can be sure to find long term success in the online market.

Source by Andy Eliason

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