Cold Sore Remedies That Work Fast

If you want to knock cold sores out fast you have to know what you’re doing. Cold sores tend to break out at the worst possible times, the day before a big meeting, a week before a reunion, etc. and the better you understand cold sore remedies the faster you can kick a cold sore outbreak to the curb.

If you are currently suffering from a cold sore outbreak and are looking for the real answers and cold sore remedies, keep reading. If you want to eliminate cold sores for good in 3 days skip to the bottom.

The cold sore virus needs a few things (three to be exact) to replicate itself. Great cold sore remedies disable these things.

Cold Sore Remedies: Attack 1 Cold sores need Argnine – Take it Away The cold sore virus needs arginine in the cell. Argnine is a protein that is a building block herpes uses to create new herpes viruses. Lysine and other cold sore remedies can eliminate the arginine in the cells and kill the cells ability to create clones of the virus. To get lysine into your body try eating meats and dairy products. Milk, cheese and yogurt are recommended. Foods such as nuts, grains, seeds and chocolate should be avoided because they contain large amounts of arginine.

Cold Sore Remedies: Attack 2 Cold sores need a warm, moist environment – Take it Away Putting ice on your cold sore as soon as you feel the first tingle can reduce or delay your cold sore outbreak. If you have an important meeting or appointment coming up delaying the cold sore outbreak might help you make it through it. Putting any cold object on the cold sore will do the trick. Ice, pop cans, frozen fruit, anything to take away the cold sore’s warm moist environment is one of the good cold sore remedies.

Cold Sore Remedies: Attack 3 Cold sore prefer an acidic environment. Stress, flu, colds and too much sun can cause your body to have more acid than normal. Avoid eating any acidic foods including tomatoes, soda or vinegar. Nothing that contains acids should be around the cold sore area. Following these particular cold sore remedies could cut your cold sore outbreak down by 50%.

Source by Steve Shell

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