Bacterial Vaginosis Herbal Remedies – Treat Your Bacterial Vaginosis With Herbal Remedies

Herbs have been considered as man’s natural life-savers since time immemorial. As a matter of fact, these medicinal plants were the basic approach of treatment for different types of diseases way before the dawn of allopathic medications.

While prescription and over-the-counter medications can provide effective and rapid relief, there are also herbal remedies that can do the same job for almost all of the most common diseases, including BV. These bacterial vaginosis herbal remedies are surely a godsend for those who do not want to worry about the possible effects of allopathic drugs:

1. Witch hazel – The name of this shrub or small tree came from the shape of its leaves that looks like those of the hazel. The leaves and the bark of this wonder plant have astringent properties that are effective in combatting the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.

2. Garlic or Allium sativum – This is considered as nature’s antibiotic. Garlic is one of the most popular BV herbal remedies which can also be a sure cure for a number of ailments. Garlic has strong antibacterial properties. It can be taken both orally or topically.

3. Herbal douche – Using a vaginal douche which is made of raspberry leaf, sage, apple cider vinegar, goldenseal root with a small drop of tea tree oil added is an effective cure against bacterial vaginosis.

Just as like with other herbal remedies, medical supervision is always required. So if you opt to try these bacterial vaginosis herbal remedies, do not forget to seek medical advice from your doctor first.

Source by Sandra White K

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