Articles and Affiliate Marketing

One of the most incredible strategies ever to be incorporated with online advertising is article marketing.

It has proven to be the most cost-efficient and most effective form of Marketing.

The term it self says it all. Article Marketing is exactly that. Articles preferably written by you on your Business, product or service. Promoting or should I say Marketing your Business, product or service.

You see with the 80 million or so people browsing the internet every day. The idea is that you’ll get a few…or, let’s say a few thousand aye? come across your many Articles sharing your knowledge about your business, products etc. Lets say your articles attract some attention, in that people take the time to read them. Lucky You. These readers are what? Traffic! Yep. Traffic! Which potentially equals? Customers! Buyers! Members! Affiliates! Which for any Business is huge, right? To right Mate.

How does article marketing work?

Here is a general over view on the process of article marketing that will guide you on your way to writing the kind of articles that will add value to your business. Remember, General Over View. Right!

To start with, you need a premium quality, informative and 300 to 500 word article about a certain topic related to your business. Content Rich. Relevant.

For example, if your business is about Affiliate Marketing, you can write an article that delves into the many aspects of Affiliate Marketing. Other wise you might choose to write separate articles about each aspect of Affiliate marketing. For a Newbie like me, there are heaps, IE. A heck of a lot. Your Articles should always be about a subject that you specialise in, are passionate about, a hobby or, your Business. It could even be about an affiliate product or service that you are promoting.

After you have the content written, you can now include a resource box at the end of the article. The resource box is basically a brief summary about you, your business with a link to your website.

Putting a link to your site in the resource box, is an Absolute Must! The whole purpose of your article after all is, to provide some useful information for the reader. Thereby, adding value to their knowledge or business. Then, hopefully, they will be curious enough now, to visit your Website, Right? To Right Mate!

Articles with relevant content, well written and, easy to read will always keep the reader mesmerized, so to speak. Hypnotized would be nice, wouldn’t it? Then you could have triggers that would make them click to visit your site. Once there, you’d have another trigger to have them buy or join then. Finally, a trigger in your thank you page to wake them up and make them get to work right away on the the new venture they’ve just purchased. Woo Hoo!

(only kidding) 🙂 Anyone know a real Magician out there some where? Well, I’d better stop dreaming and finish this thing.

Once your Articles are ready, You must submit your articles to as many article directories you can. Now, there are so many Directories out there, that you must choose the right ones so that value can be added to your Business. You can try EzineArticles, GoArticles, ArticleCity and Squidoo to name a few good ones. Check out some Forums and post in them asking for advise on the better Directories you can use for your Articles.

The more readers who enjoy reading your articles, the better your chances are of their linking to your Site or, their using your Articles in their Blogs. Yeah, I wish. Anyway, referrals to your articles could become Viral. Wouldn’t that be great?

Good Articles, can generate many links for your Sites. Just think what that could do to your Business. As well as RSS feeds, what would feeds to the top ranked sites in the Web do for you? for your Business? Hmmm, If only? You see with RSS feeds your site will basically share some, better still would share all of the same traffic surfing the top ranked Sites you have a feed to. This is great for your site as its page rank rises through this feed? Increased traffic, right!

It won’t happen overnight. Be patient, while you’re waiting for your article to be published, you could pump out one more article. Don’t stop there mate. Write another one, and then another get the idea? Soon you’ll earn a reputation for being the Man! sorry, or WOman! for Articles.

Next thing you know you’ll be getting requests to write content rich articles for people. Guess what? You could have created another income stream without even knowing it. Woo Hoo!

Now if you think you Suck at writing articles, you can always buy some online or, hire ghostwriters to provide you with articles relevant to your business or product. Try Elance or Scriptlance just two of many on the net. You could even pick up some free ones you can edit and re publish as your own. Or, worse case scenario, you could grab some from Article sites, but you have to abide by the rules and keep the Authors links on the Articles.

A word of advice from some one who a week ago hadn’t written one Article. Then, in the last 7 days, several Articles. Go figure? For 10 months in IM you could say I was Petrified when I thought about writing Articles. Then I came across some Affiliate System and Ta da! I’m writing Articles. Now I say this not to Impress you, but, to impress upon you that not matter how you feel or Fear. Please, Please, Please, give it a go.

Well, just go do it. I expect to get knocked down for most of my first Articles. Hey every one has to start some where Mate.

Bless you all. May you all be successful.

Source by Tasi U Feite

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