SaleHoo Wholesale Drop Shipping – What is Drop Shipping and How Does it Work?

You may think that drop shipping is a new innovation, but the fact is that it has been around for years. The big difference is that before, people used to order products by mail. Now this is done on the internet. Online drop shipping is more convenient and faster than doing it by mail.

Drop shipping is actually a stockless way of selling. You are selling products that you do not have. The products remain with the wholesaler, and you simply list the products on your selling site. When a customer places an order, you forward the order to the wholesale drop shipper and pay the wholesale price. The drop shipper delivers the item directly to your customer, using your business name and return address. Your customer will never know that the product actually came from the wholesaler.

Drop shipping is a very practical and cost effective way of doing business. Even with very little money to invest, you can engage in this lucrative online business. Most wholesale drop shippers require a one-time subscription fee. Be wary of drop shippers who ask for other fees such as monthly fees. Extra fees will just eat up your profits.

When people shop online, they usually do so for the purpose of looking for bargains. You can usually find products sold at very competitive prices online. You may be wondering how drop shipped items can be sold at low prices. First of all, the wholesalers are able to obtain the products at very low, discounted prices from manufacturers or other bulk wholesalers. Also, dropshipping can minimize the cost of transportation. The wholesaler does not have to ship the items to you, but directly to the end user. The savings on transportation cost translates to a lower selling price and bigger profit margin.

Where can you find a good wholesale drop shipper? There are thousands that you can find on the internet. But first, you must decide on a product to sell. Clothes, fashion accessories, shoes and electronic gadgets are good choices because they are very easy to drop ship.

Once you have decided on what you would like to sell, you can start looking for a wholesale drop shipper. You can find reliable and legitimate wholesale drop shippers in SaleHoo’s wholesale directory. All the products you could possibly think of to sell online can be found in SaleHoo’s directory along with the best wholesale suppliers who can provide these products at low prices.

Source by Michelle Samual Williams

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