Quick Weight Loss Plan – How to Set Smart Goals?

There are so many people out there who have an excellent quick weight loss plan but they fail to use it to its full potential only because they forget about the most important first step of the process: the goal setting step. This time I’ll show you how to set goals for your weight loss plan in a step by step system I learned from my mentor Tony Robbins. The system is called the “S.M.A.R.T” goal setting system and its origins are in the NLP world. So without further a due let’s get it on:

S – Specific, Significant, Stretching – by specific I mean as focused and direct as possible. Many people who get an a quick weight loss plan just want to lose as much weight as they can without having a specific number in mind. Make sure you know exactly how many pounds of weight you are aiming to lose.

M – Measurable – this is very important because this is how you know when you achieved your quick weight loss plan goal. And also you will know how far away from achieving the goal you are.

A – Achievable – it’s critical to set goals that your brain sees as achievable and that are relatively to common sense achievable as well. You can’t set a goal like: “I want to lose 300 pounds in 2 days” because it’s simply impossible. Your goals must be slightly above your comfort zone just right before your brain goes: “no! It’s impossible to do that!”

R – Realistic – do you have the recourses available to achieve this goal? If it’s a quick weight loss plan than you probably do. Do you have enough time? Do you have the knowledge and a system to follow?

T – Time Based – this one is super important factor in setting goals for your quick weight loss plan and this is because you must have enough time to achieve the goal, but not too much time so it will have a negative effect on your performance. Setting a deadline will also help you with the measurable factor of the S.M.A.R.T system because it will show you how close or how far are you from achieving the goal on time.

If you use this system with your weight loss plan you will have a lot more clarity and awareness on what’s going on and will defiantly act as a motivating force to keep you on taking action each and every day!

Source by Christine C Carter

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