Understanding Asthma Home Remedies

Asthma is a condition wherein the bronchial tubes, which function as the main air passageways, are inflamed. In the United States alone, approximately 20 million people have asthma, ranging from mild to severe conditions. Asthma can be detected if one or more of the following symptoms are present: wheezing, daytime and nighttime coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.

When left untreated, asthma can be very dangerous and at times, even fatal, which is why asthmatic individuals should be monitored constantly, especially the children. The good news is that there are many remedies you can use to treat it. Knowing what these are would be very helpful, and to some extent, may even save lives.

Here are some of the most common asthma home remedies that you can use for yourself or for your loved ones:

For the early stages of asthma, simply get a tablespoon of black peppercorn and mix it with chopped basil leaves. Then, chew the mixture for a few minutes. Or you can also make ginger tea blended with garlic cloves, and drink a cup of it every night as this helps clear the chest cavity to avoid any asthma attacks.

If you have had asthma for quite some time already, you may also opt to take turmeric, ground it and then mix a tablespoon of this powder to two tablespoons of natural honey. Eat it daily for prevention of asthma attacks.

Eating grapes is also a recommended asthma home remedy because these fruits are rich is resveratrol, a component that can treat pulmonary problems including asthma. Eating grapes and drinking natural grape juice regularly will definitely help fight this health condition.

Half a cup of milk boiled with about 8 cloves of garlic and drinking it every night has also been found to show significant effects in the prevention of asthma attacks especially during the premature stages.

Generally, any ingredient that you can find in the kitchen with high antioxidant properties and fish oils can serve as a good asthma home remedy. You might also want to consider taking apple cider vinegar, as it is also effective in getting rid of asthma symptoms.

Allowing your body to breathe fresh air and get sufficient sunlight on regular basis can also help prevent the onset of asthma symptoms or asthma attacks. In addition, it is essential to manage stress and avoid unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking because these are triggers of an asthma attack.

Source by Ajeet Khurana

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