Ecommerce and Online Business: Avoiding Overhead

E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the practice of buying and selling of products and services over the Internet. With the continuing widespread use of the Web, ecommerce promises to become as important as or even more important than traditional forms of commerce. Electronic transactions may be classified as business to business (B2B), or as business to customer (B2C). Ever since ecommerce gained wide public support, ubiquitous market items like the shopping cart have ceased to become physical objects; transactions and processes are now digital business applications and programs.

Scope of e-commerce: online trade of goods and services, website with e-commerce

Online business encompasses the following business transactions: Internet trade of goods and services (e.g. audio and video streaming, e-books, software); retail services, also known as e-tail (e.g. food ordering, banking, flower delivery, video rentals, travel booking, etc); marketplace services (such as auctions, online advertising, trade groups, price comparison); online procurement or e-procurement; and purchase-to-pay (P2P) processes.

Putting up your business online: hosting, e-commerce websites, business to business ecommerce

E-business is a fast growing industry, and along with it comes the need for businesses to get the right ecommerce hosting solution. Many brick-and-mortar businesses are now going to the Internet to start making profits, attracted by the considerably low overhead of online business and its accessibility to customers.

Hiring the right e-commerce hosting company may be a tough find because of the sheer number of firms offering this service. Many may even offer similar services, but not all of them offer the same quality of service. For example, if you get the wrong hosting company, your entire online business may be put to risk by unsecure servers. This poses a great risk to your company; your website could be prone to hacking and other malicious activities. Thus it would be a sound business plan to select the correct ecommerce hosting company when you are marketing your business online.

How to create an ecommerce website

If you are unsure of what things to look for, or if you would want to assess the dependability of a host, you could get expert opinion from Singapore ecommerce consultant firms. Generally, these ecommerce consultants will look for things such as performance, customer support, and price. A good assessment from the ecommerce consultant will look into things such as hosting security, server space, bandwidth space, and email and support services for your company.

Other ecommerce solutions that you may ask from your host are the ability for credit verification and payment through your Website, or an auto responder service which allows you to email customers automatically.

Source by K Martel

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